What is Wagyu?​

Wagyu simply means Japanese Cattle. This is the breed of cattle that produces Kobe Beef, which is named after an area in Japan where they were first bred over 170 years ago. Due to the unique lifestyles of the original cattle, they were adapted to pulling heavy loads for short distances which resulted in the evolution of their unique Unsaturated Fat levels. This produces their world famous FLAVOR and TENDERNESS.

Why Wagyu?

Crossbreeding Wagyu to other breeds produces a premium carcass with a more consistent quality grade and a higher weaning rate. Calving ease and a calm disposition makes working with them a joy.

Wagyu … the Diet Difference​​

Wagyu has higher monounsaturated fatty acids with about a 2:1 ratio of monounsaturated to saturated fatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids are healthier than saturated fats. Wagyu fat has a better flavor and a lower melting point than fat in common breeds of beef cattle.


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American Wagyu Association Texas Wagyu Association